Data file too large

Colin Law clanlaw at
Sun Jul 6 02:55:06 EDT 2014

On 6 July 2014 06:15, Bill Pfeifer <billpfeifer at> wrote:
> I've been using gnucash for over 15 years, and it's just taking way too long
> to load the data  on startup.

How long is it taking (whilst the splash screen is actually saying
Loading User Data or whatever the exact words are) and how large is
the data file?  Are you using xml format (or mysql or postgres) and is
the data file compressed?  Also what operating system are you using
and which version of gnucash and is your PC reasonably up to date with
a reasonable amount of RAM?

For reference my data file is 1.5MB of compressed xml running 2.6.3 on
a couple of years old laptop running Ubuntu and it takes about 7
seconds to load the data.


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