gnucash 2.6.3

callis at callis at
Wed Jun 4 13:03:10 EDT 2014

Could someone please help? I am a new gnucash user, and have set up a set of accounts, including Opening Balances. However, in the Account names listing there is an item which I have been unable to discover in any of the help pages. It is "Imbalance GBP" and appears to consist of all the Opening Balances. Why? What use is it? Can I get rid of it? (I have tried to delete it and all my opening balances disappeared.) The journal pages of the items in which I have set an Opening Balance have the amount listed twice - as a Debit and then once as a Credit marked "Imbalance GBP". It is then shown as the correct balance. Why?

I have kept the paper type of books for many years, and for the last 7 or so have been using Quickbooks, but now need to change to another accounting package. Nothing I have done in the past gives me any insight into what to do about this problem. 

HELP  please!!

N. J .Callis (Mrs.)

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