Price Editor stopped working
Donald Butterworth
don.butterworth at
Sat Mar 1 07:00:59 EST 2014
Dear Experts,
I have been using the Price Editor feature to retrieve prices for my mutual
funds for many years. This January I rebalanced my existing funds and added
some new ones. At the time I did this, Price Editor worked correctly.
However, sometime in February it simply stopped working. Thinking that
something might have changed at Yahoo! I tested data retrieval with another
piece of software, and it pulled the prices with no problem. I then upgrade
to the next version of GnuCash 2.6.1, and went through the steps of adding
Perl, which loaded without any problems. That hasn't helped either.
When I go to Price Editor, press Get Quotes, Perl launches, processes, and
returns a text-box which reads, "Unable to retrieve quotes for these items"
and lists *all* of the Funds that should be pulling from Yahoo USA.
I then went to the Security Editor and changed the record for each Fund's
"Quote Source Information" from "Single" to "Multiple" and selected "USA
(Yahoo, Fool...)". This configuration returns the exact same error message
after using the Get Quotes button.
I am stymied. Can anyone deliver me from having to enter price information
for 10 funds manually?
One last thing. Since I only invest in Mutual funds, and the "Type" code
will always be "Last", Is there any way to change the defaults that appears
when you press the Add button on the Price Editor screen? Is there a way to
make these selections "sticky"? That would be a nice enhancement.
Thanks for you assistance!
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