Can't get online quotes for some Fidelity/BlackRock investments

farleykj farleykj at
Sat Mar 1 12:59:14 EST 2014

I know it might sound pretty kludgy, but is it maybe possible to do
something like this:

(1) Obtain the QIF data, saving to a file (or not) within Perl.
(2) Parse said data and extract the price.
(3) Construct the necessary data structure for a quote for Gnucash.
(4) Provide the data in the proper Finance::Quote style.

Kind of making a "fake" Finance::Quote module? I may have a go at
implementing this for some persnickety "available only on Fidelity website"
quotes I need. Then again, perhaps my ignorance of the intricacies of QIF
data is making me overly optimistic.


Ken Farley
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