Mac Application nits
John Ralls
jralls at
Sat Mar 1 15:14:28 EST 2014
On Mar 1, 2014, at 9:13 AM, Paul McNett <paul at> wrote:
> Hi,
> There are a few things bugging me about Gnucash on Mac which perhaps I'm just not aware of how to control for myself. I've reviewed:
> which did help but I still have the following observations:
> 1) Closing the main window quits the entire application, which isn't in line with what Mac users expect. This is particularly annoying when I'm reconciling, hit <enter> to modify a transaction, and then (because Cmd+~ doesn't work to switch windows) I hit Cmd+w to close the main window to get back to reconcile, but the entire app is now gone.
Sorry, it’s not a Mac application, so it doesn’t stay open when you close the last window. Even on Macs that’s a behavior only of document-based programs; programs which can’t have more than one file open at a time do quit when you close the last open window.
> 2) How to move to a different page tab (say, to get to the Accounts page from a specific account register) using the keyboard? Ok, I see that pressing fn+ctrl+alt+downarrow or fn+ctrl+alt+uparrow will do this, but it seems weird to be using up/down arrows to go left and right. Plus, I'd like a quick way to get to the Accounts page (Page 0) no matter how many dozens of account registers and reports I have open.
I had to look in the GtkNotebook code to figure this one out. The actual binding is to a scroll up/scroll down event with the mouse wheel; Fn-Opt-Ctrl-up and down emulate that. We don’t have any keyboard binding to change notebook pages in *any* OS. Maybe we should add them some time.
> 3) How to move back and forth between the reconcile window and the main window using the keyboard? Moving to the register/main window from reconcile is easy (enter on the transaction to edit), but I don't know how to move back without having to reach for the mouse, and either choose from the Window menu or move the register window out of the way to click on the reconcile window. Pretty sure on Linux this would be a simple Alt+Tab.
Well, in the Gnome Shell Alt-Tab changes applications just like command-tab does in OSX. Turns out that Alt-` switches windows in Linux. It doesn’t work any more than Cmd-` does in OSX, unfortunately.
> I may simply decide to run Gnucash on my Linux machine instead, but if there are already workarounds/answers to the above issues I'd love to know them!
You could always use the MacPorts X11 version, though that has its own quirks.
John Ralls
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