Reliability of Gnu Cash software

Graham Stoddart-Stones gstones at
Wed Mar 5 04:24:07 EST 2014


Have been using it to run three business accounts (all using multiple currencies), and all my personal affairs, for four years now - and all the errors have been mine. I run gnucash in both Windows and Linux, accessing the same data, and have been very impressed with the product. It does a fabulous job. 

Good luck with it if you decide to proceed. 


----- Original Message -----

From: "Richard Cooper" <richtcooper at> 
To: gnucash-user at 
Sent: Wednesday, 5 March, 2014 9:15:34 AM 
Subject: Reliability of Gnu Cash software 

I'm new to Gnu Cash software and would like to use as a replacement to proprietary accounting packages. 
However, before switching to Gnu Cash, I'd like to get an idea as to its reliability/performance - could someone point me to any recommendations/testimonials? 
Many thanks for your support!Rich 
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