"Internal Lot Links" mess in Accounts Receivable

kyomar markus1611 at gmail.com
Tue Mar 25 20:41:05 EDT 2014

Hi, I have just upgraded to 2.6.2. from 2.4.15 with great expectations. I am
very grateful for the developers work and commitment. Gnucash wouldn't be
what it is - a great software - without them.

I am using gnucash and it's business features for many years already and was
always pleased with the functionality and stability (never had any
problems). Concerning 2.6 - also overall probably better than 2.4 - I am
with David about the .lot mess in the AC/AP Account. I can report that it
becomes even messier when foreign currencies are involved. Somehow payments
in foreign currencies don't work properly. I eventually got it wright with
manually entering the correct amounts in the AC register and I deleted all
.lot links as well.  I would be very grateful if the developers could check
this part as well. Otherwise I fully support what David is writing.

BTW: in the lot overview I found entries with date xx/xx/1833 and no title.
This are the ones I deleted the .lot entry in the AC mentioned above. How to
fix that?

Thank you!

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