Error running Payable Aging report

Giancarlo Susin susin at
Fri May 9 19:47:57 EDT 2014


I have been using Gnucash for 5 years in my small business. Today I got 
the message "An error occurred while running the report" when I opened 
Payable Aging report.

I found the same error reported in 2012 on Gnucash Portable:

But with the difference that I have a stable release: Gnucash 2.6.2 on 
Linux with MySQL backend, built from rev 667b581+ on 2014-03-20.

The error happened just after I created and posted 7 new bills, each one 
using the duplicate button from the previous one. The same error shows 
up in Vendor Report if I select the same company that owns these bills. 
Selecting other companies doesn't produce the error.

Below is my trace file while I open Reports > Business > Payable Aging 

susin at garoupa:~> tail -f /tmp/gnucash.trace
* 19:59:48  WARN <gnc.backend.sql> [load_invoice_guid()] Invoice ref 
'a64a958dda89669bedf0c2936ff597cf' not found
* 19:59:48  WARN <gnc.backend.sql> [load_invoice_guid()] Invoice ref 
'd16a2686095121eb409a8ce6cd9b9c0f' not found
* 19:59:48  WARN <gnc.backend.sql> [load_invoice_guid()] Invoice ref 
'e477e6f09a3e3b57ba16885358bf866a' not found
* 19:59:48  WARN <gnc.backend.sql> [load_invoice_guid()] Invoice ref 
'2bd921639bc50ac5f24f72f16dc4b9b2' not found
* 19:59:48  WARN <gnc.backend.sql> [load_invoice_guid()] Invoice ref 
'c4a86dc88c32a49a63e61323a177e8cc' not found
* 19:59:48  WARN <gnc.backend.sql> [load_invoice_guid()] Invoice ref 
'0ce8bd9099ef9cc60081f9867e99bf79' not found
* 20:00:07  WARN <gnc.scm> In ice-9/boot-9.scm:
  171: 19 [with-throw-handler #t #<catch-closure 3953cc0> 
#<catch-closure 3953ca0>]
In unknown file:
    ?: 18 [apply-smob/1 #<catch-closure 3953cc0>]
    ?: 17 [call-with-input-string "(gnc:report-run 0)" ...]
In ice-9/boot-9.scm:
2320: 16 [save-module-excursion #<procedure 3954cc0 at 
ice-9/eval-string.scm:65:9 ()>]
In ice-9/eval-string.scm:
   44: 15 [read-and-eval #<input: string 2d42000> #:lang ...]
   37: 14 [lp (gnc:report-run 0)]
In report.scm:
  771: 13 [gnc:report-run 0]
In ice-9/boot-9.scm:
  157: 12 [catch ignore #<procedure 3954ab0 at gnucash/main.scm:112:4 
()> ...]
In unknown file:
    ?: 11 [lazy-catch #t #<procedure 3954a50 at gnucash/main.scm:114:18 
()> ...]
In ice-9/boot-9.scm:
  171: 10 [with-throw-handler #t #<catch-closure 3953980> 
#<catch-closure 3953960>]
In unknown file:
    ?: 9 [apply-smob/1 #<catch-closure 3953980>]
In report.scm:
  775: 8 [#<procedure 3954ae0 at report.scm:772:5 ()>]
  746: 7 [gnc:report-render-html # #t]
In gnucash/report/aging.scm:
  599: 6 [aging-renderer # "Payable Account" # ...]
In ice-9/boot-9.scm:
  700: 5 [for-each #<procedure 3a60b40 at 
gnucash/report/aging.scm:599:22 (split)> #]
In gnucash/report/aging.scm:
  218: 4 [update-company-hash #<hash-table 397bd20 2/31> # # ...]
  124: 3 [process-invoice # # # ...]
  111: 2 [find-bucket 5 #(# # # # ...) (1431226800 . 0)]
In ice-9/boot-9.scm:
  102: 1 [#<procedure 2d43180 at ice-9/boot-9.scm:97:6 (thrown-k . 
args)> out-of-range ...]
In unknown file:
    ?: 0 [apply-smob/1 #<catch-closure 3953960> out-of-range ...]
ERROR: In procedure apply-smob/1:
ERROR: Value out of range: 5

Thank you very much for any help!



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