GNUcash - Bank statement short

Maf. King maf at
Wed Nov 5 13:28:14 EST 2014

On Wed 5 November 14 12:36:26 David Whiteley wrote:
> Our art group bank statement for September is short $8 on a $128 deposit.
> This will be corrected by the bank in the November bank statement.
> What are the proper procedures to make the September and November
> Reconciliations zero?

Hi David,

The answer to the above is "it depends on your tax authorities", if they have 
any requirement to know about your group.

for my personal accounts, I would let Sept & Oct reconcilliations be off by 
£8, knowing that it will come good in Nov.  Alternatively, you could split the 
deposit into £120 to match the bank, and stick a future dated £8 transaction 
with notes about bank errors and it being a delayed sept. txn..

I'd also be glad that I'd spotted the bank's mistake, and if GC had been 
involved in showing their error, I would be happy that I hadn't just 
downloaded their transaction list and imported it to GC.


> and/or what should I have searched for to find the answer.
> David Whiteley

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