Rebalance message

David Carlson david.carlson.417 at
Mon Nov 17 20:39:03 EST 2014

On 11/17/2014 3:18 PM, John Volrath wrote:
> Hi David. This is used for home accounts. Sometimes and I think it
> doesn't like entries with .99pence as a box appears saying I need to
> rebalance the entry either manually or Gnucash will do it. Neither
> seems to work, and I have to delete and reenter as a rounded up to a
> £. I am using a range of accounts e.g. food, gifts, vehicles etc and I
> enter all my costs individually. I find the application language
> complicated as I am not familiar with accountancy terms. Maybe it is
> too sophisticated for my basic needs. John Volrath
> On 17/11/2014, David Carlson <david.carlson.417 at> wrote:
>> On 11/17/2014 9:07 AM, Derek Atkins wrote:
>>> John Volrath <johnvolrath at> writes:
>>>> Hi, I am getting a rebalance request message after entering a purchase
>>>> into a category but I cannot continue use as I can't get rid of it.
>>>> Why dos this happen and how do I get rid of it to continue my entries?
>>>> please help.
>>> What's the exact error message you're getting?  And what do you mean by
>>> "entering a purchase into a category"?  How, exactly, are you entering
>>> this data?  Into what kind of account?  what exactly are you typing?
>>> And what exactly is gnucash doing?
>>> Unfortunately there's not enough information in your initial query to
>>> divine what's going on.
>>>> Please remember to CC this list on all your replies.
>>>> You can do this by using Reply-To-List or Reply-All.
>>> Thanks,
>>> -derek
>> John,
>> It would also help to know the GnuCash version, your OS, and the exact
>> wording of the message.
>> David C
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You did not tell us the exact wording of the message or what version of
the program you are using or what OS your computer has.  GnuCash can be
as simple or as complicated as you want to make it, but you will not get
help with using it unless you give those details.  The clue about .99p
means nothing to me, as Americans do not use that currency.  However, I
thought that pence were not divisible, so that could be part or all of
your problem.  Perhaps a user familiar with your currency could help.

David C

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