Rebalance message

David Carlson david.carlson.417 at
Mon Nov 17 15:16:51 EST 2014

On 11/17/2014 9:07 AM, Derek Atkins wrote:
> John Volrath <johnvolrath at> writes:
>> Hi, I am getting a rebalance request message after entering a purchase
>> into a category but I cannot continue use as I can't get rid of it.
>> Why dos this happen and how do I get rid of it to continue my entries?
>> please help.
> What's the exact error message you're getting?  And what do you mean by
> "entering a purchase into a category"?  How, exactly, are you entering
> this data?  Into what kind of account?  what exactly are you typing?
> And what exactly is gnucash doing?
> Unfortunately there's not enough information in your initial query to
> divine what's going on.
>> Please remember to CC this list on all your replies.
>> You can do this by using Reply-To-List or Reply-All.
> Thanks,
> -derek


It would also help to know the GnuCash version, your OS, and the exact
wording of the message.

David C

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