Non-profit / charity / fund accounting, example help, please

Maf. King maf at
Sun Nov 30 05:53:33 EST 2014

On Sun 30 November 14 09:41:01 Michael Hendry wrote:

> To Wm., the OP, I hope that you’ll realise that this list is for the
> discussion of Users’ issues with the use of the GnuCash book-keeping
> system, and not for advice on Accountancy. 

Hi Michael,

Hmm.  yes and no.


About gnucash-user	
English (USA)
This (occasionally high-volume) mailing list is devoted to the discussion of 
general accounting topics as well as 
how to use GnuCash to implement specific 
accounting practices.

Now, I don't regard the forum as a place to get definitive answers or advice 
for legal/tax matters, much more like "knowing a bloke down the pub who does 
similar accounts stuff to me that I can pick the brains of".  Certainly no 
substitute for proper advice at the proper time.

I appreciate that there are professionals on here who maybe take a more narrow 
view of the topic at hand.  I'll always use the IANAA label when giving my 
viewpoint on accounting, rather than GC implementation, matters.

Going back to the OP, Wm was being fairly general, asking for people's 
experience with GC in certain circumstances.  I think that maybe others have 
veered into a specific use case.

Maybe the list topic description should be changed to be just about "how to do 
this with GC"?


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