Three trading accounts in one transaction

Mike Alexander mta at
Mon Sep 1 02:22:53 EDT 2014

--On September 1, 2014 at 12:18:15 AM +0200 Anton Lindström 
<anton at> wrote:

>> > Unfortunately the Advanced Portfolio report (if that's the English
>> > name?) doesn't deal with this the way I'd like but that's another
>> > issue. :-)
>> >
>> In what way is it not handled correctly?  I tried this and it looked
>> plausible.
> When the report is created it seems all calculations are made in the
> currency the stock is denominated in (CAD in my example), and then
> when the report is displayed it's converted to the currency chosen
> for the report (SEK in my case) at the exchange rate of the time
> chosen for the report.
> So, if I use 1000 SEK to buy a CAD denominated stock,
> I expect "Money in" to show 1000 SEK in my report.
> What happens though, is that this value fluctuates depending on the
> exchange rate at the date chosen for the report.
> Gnucash seems to convert the 1000 SEK to CAD according to the exchange
> rate a the time I bought the stock, which is fine, but then when this
> is going to be shown to me in SEK in the report, it gets converted
> back again at the exchange rate of the report date, instead of at the
> exchange rate when the purchase was made.
> Same thing happens with the other columns in the report.

I see your point.  It might take a fairly fundamental change to the 
report to make it work the way you want it to.  This is more than I 
want to get into right now.


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