"The selected accounts contain no data/transactions" but they do...

Diego eldieguisimo at gmail.com
Thu Apr 16 21:48:20 EDT 2015


I am trying to get the "Expense Piechart" report for all expenses in the 
following account structure (in parenthesis is the type of account) for 
fundraising events for a non-profit:

Events (income)
       Event1  (income)
             Income  (income)
             Expenses  (expense)
       Event2 (income)
             Income (income)
             Expenses (expense)

When I try to run the report it says:

"No data
The selected accounts contain no data/transactions (or only zeroes) for
the selected time period "

According to the documentation this should work. Doesn't it? I'm missing 

If I change "Events" to be of type "Expense" (instead of "Income"), it 
does generate the report correctly.

I still need to keep Events, Event1, and Event2 as income accounts (for 
other reports, and the "signs" of numbers in different contexts).

I'm running Gnucash 2.6.6.

I will appreciate any help.

Thank you,

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