Won't save and can't access file

Maf. King maf at chilwell.net
Mon Aug 3 19:49:24 EDT 2015

On Mon 3 August 15 11:23:08 Gill Pyrah wrote:
> I'm trying to close and save my gnucash file but keep getting this error
> message in red with a large warning exclamation mark:
> "Could not make a backup of the file file://C:\Program Files
> (x86)\gnucash\bin\G Pyrah accounts from 18 5 14.gnucash"
> Then, if I try to continue I get a string ending in "bin", and am asked for
> a new file name. I have lost everything to the bin in the past. How do I
> get past this circle of messages, back up and close, can anyone help? I've
> looked right through the documentation but can't find a relevant section.
> Then. I also want to send a copy of the whole file to my accountant and
> once again it seems that instead the whole file is likely to go to the bin.
> Please help if you can!
> Thanks so much.
> Gill Pyrah

Hi Gill,

I don't use windows, so this may not be exactly correct... but you sound 

You seem to be trying to save your data file in the program folder (bin, in 
this case, is short for _binary_  (meaning "runnable program bits"), not 
_wastebin_ ) Windows is trying to help you keep program & user data apart, so 
that an update of the program won't trash your data file.

You need to save in your User folders - and this is where I'm not sure - 
something like C:\Users\Gill\Accounts would be an approximation....  
Try file->SaveAs and get into your user files area.


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