[SOLVED] There was an unknown error while retrieving the price quotes

Colin Law clanlaw at gmail.com
Wed Aug 12 11:17:11 EDT 2015

On 12 August 2015 at 14:40, listreader <suselist at cableone.net> wrote:
> On Wed, 12 Aug 2015 10:16:06 +0100
> Colin Law wrote:
>> > I am going to mark this as SOLVED, as it is for me at least.  If it
>> > happens again I will go get Mozilla::CA which I apparently hadn't
>> > needed for the year I've been running gnucash until now.
>> If what happens again?  It seems the failure to receive the quotes was
>> nothing to do with CA, installing it would not have made any
>> difference.
> The "what happens again" would be the inability to get quotes and the
> resulting error message "There was an unknown error..."
> I took this statement by Erik: "The module makes it possible to easily
> ignore certificate verification" to suggest that I was having a problem
> with certificate verification and that the missing module would have
> solved that problem had I had it installed.

That was before we knew that your unkown error problem went away by
itself, but you still get the CA module error.  Go back and read the
posts again.  Your unknown error problem was probably caused by a
problem at yahoo, not on your machine.  Installing the CA module
should make the certificate error problem go away, but that is not
actually causing any difficulty for you as you are not asking for
quotes for which it is relevant (also as detailed in another post).
So to summarize, had you immediately installed the CA module when you
first had the problem the CA error would have gone but you would in
all probability still had your unknown error and not been able to
receive quotes until the yahoo error was sorted.

> If I misinterpreted that statement then I retract the SOLVED.

As the statement says, "would have solved *that* problem" but that
problem was not the one causing your unknown error.

> Whatever, quotes are again working for me.

So as you said your problem is SOLVED.


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