Split transactions memo field

John Ralls jralls at ceridwen.us
Thu Dec 3 09:54:48 EST 2015

> On Dec 2, 2015, at 9:25 PM, Dorel Ciornei <dorelciornei at yahoo.com> wrote:
> Hi John/everyone
> I can relate to Daivd's question too. 
> When I started using GNUCash I expected the notes entered in the corresponding split lines to transfer to the target accounts), but like you said, they don't. 
> For ex:
> I pay at the grocery store with debit from the bank 100 for food and I in addition I get back 20 dollars cash.
> The transaction would show:
> Checking = -120 -> Description: "Kroger", Note on that line: "Spent at Kroger before weekend"
> Groceries = +100 -> Note: "Food for thought and beer"
> Cash = +20  Note: "Money I hid from my wife"
> Then if I open the Groceries account, I would see this transaction for $100 with the Note: "Food for thought and beer" while opening the Cash account I would see the 20 dollars deposited with the Note: "Money I hid from my wife".
> For me this was not a deal breaker since I don't hide money from my wife, but I wish I could enter these separate notes, just in case... 
> :)
> Seriously, that would be useful, although kind of a luxury. 

Let’s review the free text fields available:
* Transactions have Number, Description, and Note. Note is made visible by View>Double Line.
* Splits have Action and Memo. A transaction’s splits are revealed by setting the view mode to Auto Split  Ledger or Transaction Jounal (set via the View menu), or by clicking the Split button in the toolbar. 

All of these fields are visible in every account register for which the transaction has splits.

When the register’s view mode has the splits hidden, some fields from the split for that register’s account are displayed on the single or double line: Reconcile Status and credit or debit amount in the first line and Action in the second. You can optionally have the split’s Action replace the Transaction’s Number as well.

ISTM that there’s already plenty of ways for you to annotate your transactions and the results can be made visible from any account’s register.

John Ralls

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