Importing QIF files
David T.
sunfish62 at
Mon Feb 2 13:25:39 EST 2015
Brain seizure. Sorry. All the recent QIF/OFX talk has got my brain in a batter.
But at least I got the part about setting the price source right.
On Feb 2, 2015, at 10:03 AM, John Ralls <jralls at> wrote:
>> On Feb 2, 2015, at 9:46 AM, David T. <sunfish62 at> wrote:
>> Mark,
>> With GnuCash, you can select the source for prices. Most people use Yahoo, and I believe that’s a default, but you can change it on a security-by-security basis. There may be a way to ensure, further, that Yahoo pulls consistently from the same jurisdiction. However, you can always specify another source.
>> On a side note, GnuCash uses an external tool, called AqBanking, that does the price extraction. A benefit of GnuCash is that the developer for AqBanking is quite responsive to user problems, and will work to find a solution to it.
> Bzzt! Thank you for playing. ;-)
> AQBanking is for online banking, that is getting transaction records directly from your bank and in Germany sending transaction orders back to your bank. It has no role in security or forex pricing.
> Prices are retrieved by a perl program, Finance::Quote, and imported to GnuCash. Finance::Quote works best with Yahoo!, but there are other choices. Whether any of them will work for Mark is another matter entirely.
> Regards,
> John Ralls
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