how to "undo"

John Ralls jralls at
Thu Feb 5 10:44:12 EST 2015

> On Feb 5, 2015, at 6:33 AM, bugreport19621012 at wrote:
> Is there a way to "undo" my recent actions?  Somehow I seem to have deleted a reconciled transaction.  I was not aware of any dialog box cautioning me; the transaction just disappeared. I know it was there earlier because it was already reconciled in my checking account. It was about to be reconciled in the credit card account; I got distracted and "whoops!" it was gone. Is there a way to step backward, undo-ing recent actions?
> Alternatively, how does one *properly* use the backup files?  My GnuCash backup directory contains several files created in the previous sixty minutes, named *.gnucash and *.log.
> But if I open an earlier *gnucash file, is not my current GnuCash state lost? It seems that would wreak havoc.
> Details: GnuCash 2.4.11
> Thanks for any insight

There's no undo.

It's too late now for this advice, but if you haven't saved since the mishap and you're using the XML backend, quit or open a different file without saving. That will throw away all changes since the last save.

The backup files are regular GnuCash files with funny names, so you can open them with File>Open. Once you've found the most recent backup file with the missing transaction you can use File>Save As to rename it to the regular name without the timestamp and get back to work.

John Ralls

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