Question - transactions between foreign currencies.

Mike Alexander mta at
Sat Feb 7 12:42:14 EST 2015

--On February 7, 2015 at 7:08:26 AM -0800 John Ralls 
<jralls at> wrote:

> Setting aside that you should be careful when using the quotes button
> in the transfer dialog because the exchange rate that it provides
> isn't necessarily what was effective for your transaction, can you
> get RON <-> CHF rates online?

Finance Quote knows how to do that:

mta at bayswater /<3>darwin>bin/gnc-fq-dump currency RON CHF
1 RON = 0.2375 CHF
mta at bayswater /<3>darwin>bin/gnc-fq-dump currency CHF RON
1 CHF = 4.2102 RON

However, I think GnuCash only retrieves currency quotes against the 
default currency of the file so I don't think there's any way to get it 
to retrieve the quote you want.


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