Transfer window appears when it should not - further information

Geert Janssens geert.gnucash at
Wed Feb 18 03:15:49 EST 2015


I don't know about the first part of your question. Hopefully someone else will.

On Wednesday 18 February 2015 12:37:10 Ken Heard wrote:
> On 2015-02-18 01:17, Derek Atkins the warlord wrote:
> > Your ONLY option is to delete the transaction completely and
> > re-enter it after you fix your locale default currency.
> To do so raises another issue.  The eleven account transaction
> prompting this query took place at the end of January; one of the
> entries was in a bank account.  Early this month I received the bank
> statement and reconciled it with the GnuCash account for that bank
> account. That entry is consequently marked with 'y' to indicate its
> reconciliation status. If I were to delete the transaction and
> re-enter it now, would it screw up the reconciliation?
You can redo the reconciliation afterwards.

That is, when you delete the transaction and recreate it the reconciliation will be off by the 
amount of the split in your bank account. You can then reconcile your bank account again on 
the same date early this month. Make sure the end balance is correct. In the main reconciliation 
window there will only be the single bank split that will not be reconciled before the reconcile 
date. If you mark this you should be able to finish the reconciliation again.



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