Windows savefile causes to crash next open time

Geert Janssens geert.gnucash at
Sat Feb 21 01:35:50 EST 2015

On Saturday 21 February 2015 13:14:06 NoNameA 774 wrote:
> I did not  build it myself. I downloaded from the GNUCash website.
> And I tried to open uncompressed xml file that I saved on windows, but
> it lead to crash on my windows.
> Uncompressed xml that I saved on linux looks good on windows.
When you created the file on Windows, did you enter opening balances in the setup assistant ?

In the past this used to insert invalid dates in your data file. I *thought* it was fixed but 
perhaps it has resurfaced.

In any case can you post the trace file [1] gnucash generates on Windows ? There are probably 
several by now. Be sure to post one that was generated while gnucash crashed. You can do this 
by deleting all the existing trace files, try to open your data file and then post the single trace 
file that is now generated.

This trace file may have more information as to what is going on.



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