Windows savefile causes to crash next open time
NoNameA 774
nonamea774 at
Sat Feb 21 06:51:45 EST 2015
2015-02-21 15:35 GMT+09:00 Geert Janssens <geert.gnucash at>:
> On Saturday 21 February 2015 13:14:06 NoNameA 774 wrote:
> > I did not build it myself. I downloaded from the GNUCash website.
> > And I tried to open uncompressed xml file that I saved on windows, but
> > it lead to crash on my windows.
> > Uncompressed xml that I saved on linux looks good on windows.
> >
> When you created the file on Windows, did you enter opening balances in
> the setup assistant ?
> In the past this used to insert invalid dates in your data file. I
> *thought* it was fixed but perhaps it has resurfaced.
> In any case can you post the trace file [1] gnucash generates on Windows ?
> There are probably several by now. Be sure to post one that was generated
> while gnucash crashed. You can do this by deleting all the existing trace
> files, try to open your data file and then post the single trace file that
> is now generated.
> This trace file may have more information as to what is going on.
> Regards,
> Geert
> [1]
I showed trace log(with option " --debug --extra"). I could not get any
idea from that.
This is that trace.
Can you get any information from here?
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