How difficult is it (really) to reorganize a Chart-of-Accounts after the fact?

jcard21 xxxxxxx jcard21+gnucash at
Sun Jan 4 09:48:23 EST 2015

On Sun, Jan 4, 2015 at 9:22 AM, Patrick Doyle <wpdster at> wrote:
> To add confusion to injury...
> I just noticed that my checkbook has 3 columns labeled from left to
> right: Payment/Debit, Deposit/Credit, Balance.
> So, I write checks from the left hand column, and record deposits in
> the right hand column (ignoring the rightmost "Balance" column).
> That matches your explanation of debits/left vs credits/right.
> It also matches your explanation of my having been trained by my bank
> to think of my checking account as a "Credit" account.
> It also matches the layout in the Quicken register.
> Unfortunately, it doesn't match the layou in gnc's register.  I expect
> I will be recording withdrawals as deposits for a little while.
> Sigh...
> --wpd

For the life of me, I can never remember which accounts a debit
increases or decreases, nor which accounts a credit increases or

Luckily, gnuCash has an preference/option for us!

>From the main Accounts page...

Edit > Preferences, click on the Accounts tab, under "Labels",
UNselect the "use formal accounting labels" checkbox. Close the

In your checking account, you will now see (left amt column heading)
"Tot Increase", (middle amt column heading) "Tot Decrease", and (right
amt column heading) "Balance".

In your credit card account, you will now see (left amt column
heading) "Tot Decrease", (middle amt column heading) "Tot Increase",
and (right amt column heading) "Balance".

For me, these column headings tell me exactly which column to choose
to enter my amount. I don't need to remember debits & credits.


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