Kevin Wilson kevin.wilson100 at
Mon Jan 5 19:44:43 EST 2015

A suggestion for the Mailing Lists page to accommodate naive users:

* Put the "Support" lists at the top of the page
* Put a form right on the page for people to subscribe to the 
most-commonly-used support list ( I'm assuming it would be awkward to 
put a form for each language list all on the same page)

While I find that many Windows users are familiar with email mailing 
lists and use them easily, there are always some beginners and naive 
users who do not.

(Windows user who admins multiple email lists)

On 05/01/2015 4:05 PM, Liz wrote:
>  However, if I look at the page I clearly see 
> "Need help" directing people to the Mailing lists and a "Support" list 
> in the left hand column which includes Mailing Lists and IRC. If 
> someone thinks this can be presented better to ensure the Pamelas 
> reach the right place, our motto is "patches welcome"!

More information about the gnucash-user mailing list