download and install gnucash on iMac OSX

Eldon Fredericks freder at
Thu Jan 15 16:34:15 EST 2015

Okay, I did all of what Patrick suggested. And, still when I open the gnu cash file it tells me “Gnucash” is an application downloaded from the Internet. Are you sure you want to open it.
I say yes. And then it connects to the web and downloads a bunch of stuff and says it is loading local files.

Then, I get the error message:

This account register is read-only This account may not be cited. If you want to edit
transactions in this register please open the account options and turn off the placeholder checkbox.

Colin on this mailing list suggested:

Click on the Accounts tab so that you see list of all the accounts.
Click on the one that is giving the problem and click on the icon in
the toolbar with a bank(?) and a pen on it, it shows Edit Account when
you hover over it.  There you should see a checkbox for Placeholder.
Did you set that when you created the account though?  Which account
are you having the problem with?

Well, I could not find any icon that looks like a bank with a pen on it.

Does this software not work on the Mac? Does it truly connect to the  Internet page for each use session????


Eldon Fredericks

> On Jan 15, 2015, at 2:30 PM, Patrick Doyle <wpdster at> wrote:
> Don't put the .dmg file in your Applications folder -- go ahead and
> leave it in your downloads folder (or on your desktop or wherever you
> downloaded it).
> When you double click on the Gnucash-Intel- file it will
> open a Finder window a bunch of files like AUTHORS.txt, COPYING.txt,
> etc...
> One of the files you will see is Gnucash -- drag THAT file to your
> Applications folder.  The first time you try to run that program, you
> may be presented with a message that says something like "Gnucash is
> an application downloaded from the internet.  Are you sure you want to
> run it?"  Go ahead and click on Yes (or Accept, or whatever), assuming
> of course, that you downloaded the file from the Gnucash website.
> Hope that helps.
> --wpd
> On Thu, Jan 15, 2015 at 9:49 AM, Eldon Fredericks <freder at> wrote:
>> Help! I am attempting to use gnucash on my Mac running Yosemite OS X. After downloading gnucash from the website I have placed the file:
>> Gnucash-Intel-
>> in my applications folder.
>> Then when I open that file I am taken back to the original web site from which I downloaded the file and it eventually opens the program on my computer after warning me that I am downloading something from the web.
>> What have I done wrong or what more do I need to do to make this software operate on my computer without going to the website to load?
>> I have read various tutorial and manual pages and watched several youtube tutorials but they do not address initial installation on Mac.
>> Can someone help, please?
>> Eldon Fredericks
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