Gnucash report fault

John Ralls jralls at
Thu Jan 22 23:50:34 EST 2015

> On Jan 22, 2015, at 11:46 AM, John Moore <johnmooresj at> wrote:
> Hi John Ralls,  This is just a big 'Thank You' for your help in getting my Gnucash program working properly again.  I have been using it as 'alternate user' and everything seems fine.
> I will gradually move the stuff  in the original User Screen over to the second user and each time I will test if the request for Reports to the original Gnucash Program still causes a crash.  That should let us know which program/procedure is responsible for causing the Crash.  I will let you know, if I have any luck.
> You asked about how I saved stuff when I was upgrading from W XP to W7.  You may be right in suspecting that the cause of my troubles lies there.
> Here is the story if you are interested:
> I allowed a friend to use the desktop for some urgent emails.  He was a laptop user and made a mess of turning off the computer.  The big XP booting program was badly corrupted.  After trying to repair in vain I decided to update to W7 -- BUT I was very careless about saving my stuff beforehand.  I just sent it from the screen either to a 'memory stick' or to Dropbox.  After the job was done I discovered I had lost quite a bit of my older data.  However I managed to retrieve my Gnucash files for the last 2 years starting from the introduction of our new currency.
> Again, Thanks - Go raibh maith agat (Gaelic, I note you visited Ireland !) - Sikomo ! (our lingo out here)

You’re welcome for the help, and if you find a “smoking gun” I’m interested. Even if we can’t protect GnuCash from it it will add to the list of things for future users
having similar problems to look for.

John Ralls

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