Automatically move down in reconciliation

Russell Gadd russ.mail.lists at
Fri Jan 23 04:40:59 EST 2015

On 23/01/15 08:01, Geert Janssens wrote:
> On Friday 23 January 2015 07:16:21 Russell Gadd wrote:
>> On 22/01/15 08:09, Maf. King wrote:
>>> On Thu 22 January 15 07:34:12 Russell Gadd wrote:
>>>> Some time ago Gnucash stopped moving the focus down to the next
>>>> entry
>>>> when you press spacebar to tick an item in the reconciliation. I've
>>>> been waiting in vain for this to be reinstated. Was it deliberate
>>>> for
>>>> some reason? Can a user choose some setting to get it back?
>>>> Using version 2.6.1 in Linux Mint ("This copy was built from rev
>>>> 76cba80+ on 2014-02-19"). Maybe the Minters did this?
>>> Hi Russ,
>>> This cropped up a few months ago - Geert explained the reason for
>>> the change here
>>> .html
>>> and suggests some workarounds. To my mind, sounds like a useful
>>> "feature" has been lost.
>>> HTH,
>>> Maf.
>> Thanks for the reference. It's a pity that the poster didn't state a
>> more useful case for wanting this facility. Of course reconciling is
>> not a matter of "automatically checking off each box as fast as you
>> can" but I don't like having to fiddle with positioning the mouse
>> accurately many times in a list where it would be much easier to use
>> the keyboard. I have to use the mouse too much anyway and I'm
>> conscious of RSI so prefer to use the keyboard where possible. The
>> facility to use Ctrl-A or highlighting several items and ticking in
>> one click isn't particularly useful. As there are control key
>> combinations to reconcile and unreconcile it shouldn't be a stretch
>> of imagination to create ones which will move down as well. Or
>> preferably all you need is a toggle in the options somewhere.
> The keyboard shortcut for moving down is hitting the arrow-down key.
> So if you prefer to keep away from the mouse (understandably), you can
> <Arrow-Down> : will highlight the first entry in the left list. Hit it
> multiple times to move down to the first entry you wish to reconcile.
> <Space>: to reconcile that entry.
> When done with the left list, hit <Tab> to switch to the right list and
> again <Arrow-Down> to highlight the first entry. No need to ever use the
> mouse or even control key combinations (which are also RSI inducing).
> Regards,
> Geert
I can live with this, but it's not quite the same as a single key press. 
So it's not a big deal but I still think it's not as good as what we 
previously had. If you have good technical reasons for not giving that 
facility then ok, but if not, every little increment in ease of use will 
contribute to a smooth user experience.

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