non profit and charitable accounting, text book recommendations, please

Wm wm+gnc at
Sun Jan 25 14:29:51 EST 2015

Sun, 25 Jan 2015 11:05:08 
<03C0A0E5-200A-4418-BD42-9E6FDDDAF2D9 at>  David T. 
<sunfish62 at>

>Wow. WM, pulling the “I’ve been around this list longer than you” 
>crap is just another instance of your arrogance

Arrogance, you can have, idiocy not accepted.

> and sheer idiocy.

Nope, you really have got that wrong.

> You should stop digging your hole now and simply STFU.

Look at the new people in the responses.

Once you've done that let me know you are aware of trolls.

>Or go check your meds.

>(who’s been using GnuCash for nine years and participating on the 
>lists for about as long)

I've no reason to be rude to you, David.

If you are familiar with all the people that spring up let me and 
everyone else know even if it is just to say "that is my sock puppet"


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