assign 1 payment to different invoices

Geert Janssens geert.gnucash at
Thu Jan 29 07:59:19 EST 2015

On Thursday 29 January 2015 20:27:34 __ wrote:
> I had a several thread a while ago, but still I can't sort this out
> INV1 = $ 5,-
> INV2 = $ 10.-
> INV3 = $ 4,-
> 1 deposit payment = $ 6.-
> payment amount needs to be distributed over 3 invoices. The tricky
> part is: I want to define how much exactly of the amount paid is being
> sent to which invoice.
> So in the end I should see that
> INV1 has received $ 3.-    (remaining $ 2.-)
> INV2 has received $ 2.-    (remaining $ 8.-)
> INV3 has received $ 1.-    (remaining $ 3.-)
> I tried to:
> 1) post my payment to my cash account
> 2) "assign payment" to INV1 (using the entire sum received ($ 6.-)
> 3) create 3 splits with the intended values in my A/R
> 4) "assign payment" to the 2 new splits
> before Step 5) I have a reduced payment amount ($3.- instead of $6.-)
> shown in my customer Report for example
> I don't succed assigning the single splits as payments individually. I
> only get one single payment out of this so this is actually split in
> 2. One part (which I define as payment amount) and the 2nd part
> (which is the remainder) that is not assigned as a payment
> any hack to do such a thing?

That is a brain teaser :)

There is - depending on your version of gnucash.

The internal logic is perfectly fine with such fine-grained payment 
assignments. The payment window and assign as payment command however 
are not really up to it though.

On 2.6.5 you could do this:
- remove your payment attempts such that all 3 invoices are completely 
- Business->Customer->Process Payment
- Select all 3 invoices which will propose a payment of $19,-
- Hit ok to accept that payment to your cash account.
- Now open your cash account register
- Enable split view on the payment of $ 19,-
- Adjust all splits to your taste - each of the splits matches one 
invoice, so lower the payment amounts as you want and then adjust the 
balancing split to $6.

That's it.

On GnuCash 2.6.4 it should work the same, unless there are some bugs 
still preventing it.

On 2.6.0-2.6.3 the concept is similar. The major difference is that 
these versions of gnucash make heavy use of "Lot Link" transactions. So 
to remove the existing payments you'd have to find the associated "lot 
link" transactions in your accounts receivable register and remove those 
in addition to the payments themselves.
Then you cann create the $19;- payment. This will also create a "lot 
link transaction. The payment splits linking to the invoices will be in 
that transaction and hence that should be modified (from $19 to $6 in 
total and the other splits to your taste as above). After the lot link 
has been updated, you should also fix the payment transaction itself in 
your cash account. This transaction is a simple transaction you should 
reduce from $19 to $6.



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