GNUCash Import QIF - Help Please!

Derek Atkins warlord at MIT.EDU
Wed Jul 8 10:10:44 EDT 2015

GT-I9070 H <gti9070h at> writes:

> Hello Derek!
> As it was small vacation? You did greatly missed here!
> 2015-07-07 15:04 GMT-04:00 Derek Atkins <warlord at>:
>     GT-I9070 H <gti9070h at> writes:
>     > Until GnuCash Desktop to open a gateway to import Exchange Rates,
>     GnuCash
>     > Android is impaired to support multiple currencies.
>     Actually, current versions of GnuCash Android can load and save GnuCash
>     data files directly (apparently)..
> I saw but have not tested this feature yet.
> As far as I know there is no way to transfer GnuCash Android exchange rates
> for the GnuCash Desktop.

There is -- by sharing the data file.

>     > GnuCash Android with few modifications could also generate files "QIG"
>     format.
>     You'll need to talk to them about that.
> Yes, I sometimes talk with Ngewi Fet, but first I need to talk to you.

No, you should talk to him first to see if he's even willing to work on
this.  If not, then there's no reason to make a non-standard GnuCash
importer just for your VBA code.

> I need to know what you think best about GnuCash Desktop importer.
> Stay as it is, updating to accept "QIF" (or something like that), or update
> CSV importer to accept taxes or even better suggestion?
> Update the GnuCash importer to accept rates that would open this communication
> with the GnuCash Android and give users alternative to use new approaches to
> work with multicurrency such with this we are discussing above.

For *YOUR* use case I'd suggest extending the CSV importer to allow
assigning both Amount and Value to each transaction (this is in lieu of
the direct exchange rate -- GnuCash doesn't actually store an exchange
rate, it's 100% computed from the Amount and Value).

For interfacing with GnuCash Android I'd suggest the data-file-sharing
approach if you actually use multiple currencies.

> The final word is yours!
> Thanks.
> Regards


       Derek Atkins, SB '93 MIT EE, SM '95 MIT Media Laboratory
       Member, MIT Student Information Processing Board  (SIPB)
       URL:    PP-ASEL-IA     N1NWH
       warlord at MIT.EDU                        PGP key available

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