price editor
wm+gnc at
Tue Jun 9 16:58:47 EDT 2015
Sun, 7 Jun 2015 12:02:57 < at>
annapolishome <nshust1 at>
DavidC has given a good answer but I wonder if your q doesn't require
>i have several non-listed investments in my portfolio. each month the income
>is re-invested from the investments at a price available to me.
gnc can certainly record re-investment of income, in fact there is a
whole chunk of the Tutorial and Concepts about DRIPs (I'm in the UK, we
don't call them that here).
> my problem
>is that the value computed from these investments are not reflective of the
>worth of the investment as i can obtain the current asking price from the
>website, but as a non-listed fund i cannot download the current price
>through price editor 'get quote'.
Yup. you may already know this but the basic problem is that the fund
manager controls the bid and offer (or equivalent buy and sell) prices,
this is very different to a more liquid publicly quoted stock on an
exchange. if demand is high, the price is raised and vice versa
> in price editor it is using the value i
>reinvested the last income at, but i do not see where/how i can enter a
>price that reflects the real value. any help or is this not possible?
Tools / Price Editor / Fund / Add and look at the options carefully, in
particular you want to know which Type of price you are recording as it
can make a big difference with illiquid and artificially priced
The important thing to realize is that gnc can only record stuff (I
suggest doing that as realistically as possible)
, valuing that stuff is up to you :)
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