Finance Quote Update on Macbook Pro (OSX 10.10.3)

Rene Hasekamp hasekamp at
Mon Jun 22 04:29:30 EDT 2015

Op zondag 21 jun. 2015 om 4:58 PM schreef Richard Ullger <rullger at>:

On 21/06/15 13:29, hasekamp at wrote:
> Hello,
> I am trying to get acquainted with gnucash on my Macbook Pro. The manual helps me out with most problems, but I really do not have any grip on FinanceQuote Update. 
> I ran the script, and many files were installed. When I run it again it says that everything is up-to-date.
> Well, thank you very much that is helpful and reassuring! 
> But in fact nothing happens to my finance quotes. Every stock only has the one quote I entered when I created the account for it.
> When I click the “update quotes” button from the "edit quotes" screen, I get the very helpful message “system error". Wow! that really helps.
> Originally I did not have Xcode installed, but I tried that after all. So I installed the 4 GB of - to me - useless code, but there was no option to install te command line tools from within Xcode, as the gnu cash FAQ suggests for thew Mac. 
> I nevertheless tried to run Finance Quote Update with Xcode installed, but I received the same reassuring message that everything was up to date, and I received not a single quote. Also from the “update quotes” screen I received the same message that there was a system error. That’s it.
> I uninstalled Xcode, because I am not interested in spending more than 4 GB of disk space, without any use.
> The question that remains is: “How do I update my gnu cash quotes with Finance Quotes Update or from the “update quotes screen?”. 
> Any help (other than installing Xcode again and install the not present command line tools) will be appreciated.  
> Rene Hasekamp.

Hi Rene,

I can't help you directly on Mac but I run gnucash in ArchLinux and a
recent update of perl-finance-quote from 1.35 to 1.37 produced the
system error message when trying to update quotes from within gnucash.

Running gnc-fq-dump from the command line produced the error that could not be found. This file is provided by the package
perl-datetime and installing this fixed the issue.

Note that installing perl-datetime also brought in a further 25 perl

Hope this helps.



Yes this gives a possible cause. ​
Thanks, Richard. ​
​Sadly I am not able to use this to get the updates work. 
Can one of the developers please react? 


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