Invoice suggestion

Derek Atkins warlord at MIT.EDU
Fri Mar 20 12:09:33 EDT 2015


Fabio Coatti <fabio.coatti at> writes:

> Hi all,
> I need some suggestions about how to manage invoices.
> I have invoices that should be built like this:
> Item					Amount
> A					100
> B					10% of A
> C					20% of A+B
> And in report I need to print the amount of A and B, like it is a tax
> or something.

Set up B and C as two entries in a Tax Table.  Provided that B is always
10% and C is always 20% then you can manually compute the value C as a
fixed percentage of A (independent of B).

You can compute the C' percentage by:
   C(1+B) == .2 * (1+.1) == .2 * 1.1 == .22  == 22%

So you would create a tax table where
  B == 10% of A
  C == 22% of A (which is 20% of A+B)

> Basically, another way to see it is that an item is a tax (B) but in
> turn is subject to other
> taxes, and at the bottom of invoice both B and C should be printed
> (and of course added
> to proper account)
> I'm not sure about best way to manage this situation: a shortcut is to
> compute by hand B,
> insert it as invoice row and apply taxes (20%) to both b and c and
> this more or less works.
> However, I'm wondering if there is a more automated way to manage
> it. let's say, have
> gnucash to compute a row based on other rows (now taxes tables does something 
> similar, but not for two different taxes).
> I hope to have overlooked something and that the solution is naive, so
> to save effort on
> my side :), but has anyone has suggestions about how to tackle this? 
> I have no problems in modifying reports and also using python bindings
> if it could be
> useful, however it would be great to start with some hint.
> Many thanks.

       Derek Atkins, SB '93 MIT EE, SM '95 MIT Media Laboratory
       Member, MIT Student Information Processing Board  (SIPB)
       URL:    PP-ASEL-IA     N1NWH
       warlord at MIT.EDU                        PGP key available

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