Account Hierarchy questions

YeOldHinnerk HRamthun at
Mon Mar 30 04:58:13 EDT 2015


I guess reporting is the main argument here for all choices: If you manage
the income statement report by level of account hierachy, what do you want
to see? 

Well, in general I prefer to have the company on the lowest level. I prefer
to first see the proper category and only later from whom. I also do this
for amounts payable / receivable (note: I do not use the business features).
So if I'm expecting a refund from my company for some expenses, I book these
to a different receivable account (not salary). Same for my wife. In
reports, I can then see what I expect as monthly salary and also other
receivables (which may come at a completely different point of time, usually
much later...).

However, for brokerage, I do the opposite. That is, I always have the
structure Brokerage:Security. This is mostly due to the fact, that I most
brokers I have are legacy only. I use one broker 99% of the time and all the
others may just have a few securities left. Also, each broker also has some
kind of cash account, that I like to place right next to the security
accounts, so that I see how much money I can invest/deinvest. What is
missing here, is a report that goes by security, independent of where in the
account to the security resides. I have the issue that I switch brokers and
now I don't have to total view of how a security performed in my portfolio.
But GnuCash probably isn't the best place to do investment controlling
anyway, as many key figures are not part of accounting software. 



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