Compile Guncash

Geert Janssens geert.gnucash at
Mon Mar 30 11:41:57 EDT 2015

On Monday 30 March 2015 16:28:10 Colin Law wrote:
> I accidentally sent this only to Tommy.  Sorry Tommy.
> On 28 March 2015 at 21:36, Colin Law <clanlaw at> wrote:
> > On 28 March 2015 at 20:14, Tommy Trussell <tommy.trussell at> 
> >> ...
> >> What's the best way to present all these things? Is there any way
> >> to show them in the wiki that would be maintainable? Most of these
> >> choices are not even specific to Ubuntu.
> > 
> > In principle you are right, that there should be generic sections
> > and
> > specific, however there is also much to be said for a section for
> > each version of Ubuntu (or whatever) that just gives simple cut and
> > paste instructions for building the current version with the
> > default options, even though that does lead to duplicated text.  As
> > soon as you start having:  Do this for any version of Ubuntu, then
> > do this if it is version x, or this if it is version y, then do
> > this whichever version it is, it gets much for difficult to follow.
> > 
> > Colin

A can see the value of this as well. I agree that having to jump up and 
down in order to get gnucash built on your system is suboptimal.

The downside of this approach is that it's much harder to manage. My 
experience with duplicated text is that it inevitably ends up with some 
parts being completely out of date or fixes only applied to some and not 
to others.

I don't know what's best to be honest.

Perhaps we could create a git repository for build instructions, where 
there is a base instruction set and each specific set comes is 
maintained in a separate branch ? One branch per distro/release. I know 
just using the word git already scares some people off. On the other 
hand git has solved the interdependency issue as good as I can 

Just thoughts that could lead to even better ideas...


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