Get Online Quotes not updating currency rates since 2.6.9

John Ralls jralls at
Sun Nov 1 15:08:10 EST 2015

> On Nov 1, 2015, at 11:46 AM, Ian K <ik522000 at> wrote:
> OK so in 2.6.9 when I do Get Quotes I found a new entry GBP in the currency
> list.
> Since this is the first run, there are now 4 rows,  one for each currency vs
> the GBP I use.
> Under the USD entry there is a rate 1.5458.
> That equates to the 2.6.7 entry under USD of 0.6469 (1/0.6469 = 1.545834)
> The problem is that GnuCash isn't using these new rates even though they're
> being put in the Price Editor
> I started investigating this because between 2.6.7 > 2.6.9 my balance sheet
> was showing different values when I updated prices online. Stock values were
> changing but currency values weren't. This led me to believe currency rates
> were not updating. So in 2.6.9 they're appearing somewhere else, which is
> why I couldn't see them.
> Now comparing balance sheet reports on the same file between 2.6.7 and 2.6.9
> there is a problem.
> The balance sheet report's options are 
> General > Balance Sheet date > Today
> Commodities > Currency GBP
> Price source > Most recent
> Show Foreign Currencies and Show Exchange Rates both checked.
> On 2.6.7 the balance sheet report shows $1.00 £0.6469 in the currency rate
> list.
> On 2.6.9 the balance sheet report shows $1.00 £0.64939
> So the 2.6.7 version is picking up the latest F::Q price correctly.
> 2.6.9 isn't picking that up.
> I looked at where the 0.64939 was coming from, and it's the latest entry
> under the old USD list:
> 26/10/2015 user:xfer-dialog 1854/2855
> So while the price editor is now creating entries under a new GBP section,
> the balance sheet isn't using those rates.
> This also applies to the Net Assets shown on the account list, no just the
> balance sheet.

I told you all of that in my first email.

John Ralls

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