Tax report and TXF

John Ralls jralls at
Mon Oct 5 22:24:57 EDT 2015

> On Oct 5, 2015, at 5:16 PM, Michael Churchill <mjchurchil at> wrote:
> I am using gnucash 2.6.8, trying to use the tax reporting functions.  When I try Edit-Tax Reporting Options, I can select an account, such as Interest Income from a bank.  I am not allowed to select a Schedule or TXF category.  The report does provide a list of interest income for the year, but does not assign it to a schedule and does not export any TXF data.  If I add a stock dividend account, it is listed by itself, but is all part of the same report.  This is my first try at tax reporting.  Have I missed a step that enables assignment of income and expenses to schedules?

Account to TXF category mapping is done in Edit>Tax Report Options.

John Ralls

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