Recovery of GnuCash Data

John Ralls jralls at
Fri Oct 30 16:22:43 EDT 2015

> On Oct 30, 2015, at 1:03 PM, John Teahan <satiatedprods at> wrote:
> Hello,
> New to this mailing list, hoping someone can help meout!  I recently had a devastating hard drive crash and lost most of thedata on my laptop.  I was able to recover some gnu cash files.
> Specifically, I have gnucash.20150819110249.gnucash as wellas several log files. Is there any way to import data from the .gnucash fileinto a the gnucash on my new computer?

Yup, just open it (File>Open). It’s your backup from 19 August, meaning that there was a subsequent save on that date, not that that one necessarily is from then. If the log files are newer than that you might be able to recover some more data by replaying them (File>Import>Replay Gnucash Log File…). You might want to rename it to something more meaningful. BTW, the name should be “foo.gnucash.20150819110249.gnucash” where foo.gnucash was the name of the “current” file.

As soon as that’s done, set up a web-based backup/sharing service (Many are free for small storage needs. For example, Google Drive is free for up to 15GB, Dropbox for up to 2) and routinely copy your accounting file and anything else important to it.

John Ralls

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