income accounts
Mike or Penny Novack
mpnovack at
Thu Sep 24 08:26:08 EDT 2015
> When my LittleCreditUnion statement tells me that I received
> $5.55 dividend associated with
> Assets:LittleCreditUnion:LittleCreditUnionSAV
> and
> $25.01 dividend associated with
> Assets:LittleCreditUnion:LittleCreditUnionCERTIFICATE
> and I want to record them in my GnuCash register, to what account
> should I best attribute the income?
> For the time being, I have created an account called
> Income:LittleCreditUnion and I attribute the dividends to that. ave
You COULD have an income account (sub account) for JUST this source of
interest*, But that would normally be only when you had lots of
different sources of interest income and wanted to be able to track them
separately in addition to in total (and for the 1040, you do enter
separately if filling schedule B). If you have only one source of
interest income, no need to do that.
* Note I say "interest" as opposed to "dividends". Although savings
banks often call it dividends (and declared by their board) these are
classed as interest income, not dividend income, by the Feds and all of
the states. Might not be true for other countries.
Michael D Novack
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