gnucash-user Digest, Vol 150, Issue 41
Chris Good
chris.good at
Mon Sep 28 20:00:05 EDT 2015
> Message: 2
> Date: Mon, 28 Sep 2015 21:43:36 +1000
> From: "Michele Hemmings t/a Exclusively Strata"
> <exclusivelystrata at>
> To: "Chris Good" <chris.good at>
> Cc: gnucash-user at
> Subject: Re: How to Modify gnuCash Reports
> Message-ID:
> <b214fb116feaa4d5e4225b0d96cc7e5f057fcc0b at>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
> Many thanks Chris for the quick response.
> The big issue I have is the format of the Income Statement (Profit and
> - Set headings of Revenue and Expense (black bold font) can't be
> changed- All items of ' Income' are reported under Revenue yet the
> may have 'normal operations' and 'extraordinary operations' - it is
> by accounting Standards that the latter are separately reported from the
> former so that (say) Rental from hiring out the laundry basement owned by
> Shoe Retailer is not mixed up with the normal operations. ?alternatively,
> entity has two Profit Centres that it wants to report for and can't with
> Income items grouped together and all Expenses grouped together. ?
> I want to be able to change the layout and would like permission (and then
> help) to alter the .scm file as I am not a programmer, but an Accountant
> knows how and where the figures should be reported!
> Many thanks to any tech people who can help.Michele MICHELE HEMMINGS
> CPAAUSTRALIAE:? ? exclusivelystrata at
> ? ?HTTP://WWW.EXCLUSIVELYSTRATANSW.COM.AU [1] _This email and any
> attached files are confidential and may contain legally privileged
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Hi Michele,
People have suggested on this list before that you can copy and paste a
report into a word processor or spreadsheet and format it as you wish,
including changing the headings and order of items.
Regards, Chris Good
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