Using an externally hosted postGreSQL as a gnu cash backend?

Colin Law clanlaw at
Mon Apr 11 15:51:13 EDT 2016

On 11 April 2016 at 19:20, Michael Wagner <mikepwagner at> wrote:
> ...
>  It probably took a couple of hours of reading
> for me figure out how to install and set up PostGres on mu Ubuntu box, and
> the vanilla PostGres settings all worked like a charm.

If you are hosting PostGres on a machine connected to the internet
don't forget to consider all the security implications.  You don't
want anyone getting into your machine via the open ports, or of
accessing your data if you have not got it right.  For example, if you
connect to a pg server are the user and pwd encrypted or are they open
for anyone to snoop between you and the server?  I don't know the
answer to that.

> ...
> From my (somewhat nerdy) perspective. from what I know of DB guarantees and
> the ease of setting up PostGres, I am surprised everyone hasn't switched to
> using the PostGres DB - a huge number if data reliability problem are
> solved.

What do you see as the advantages of PG over just storing the xml file
on a basic file server?


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