Import Export

Geert Janssens geert.gnucash at
Sun Dec 11 10:23:15 EST 2016

Let me also hijack this thread to inform everybody the csv importer is worked 
on intensively for the next major gnucash version (to become 2.8 at some point 
in the future).

The rewrite should make the importer a much more useful tool than it currently 
is. Some of the improvements you  can expect will be:
- the ability to import transactions as exported by gnucash itself (yes, oddly 
enough this hasn't been possible until the rewrite)
- the ability to save your import settings so you can easily reuse them for a 
future csv import with a similar file
- import of multi-split transactions
- if I can get it fixed, import of multi-currency transactions and/or stock 


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