Invoice Action Hours Quantity Miscalculation

Gurdeep Singh (Guru) oyeaussie at
Thu Dec 29 07:37:52 EST 2016

Hello All,

I am using the Hours action in the invoice to bill my customer as per the
number of hours. Please see attached screenshot.

Taking these hours into consideration:

22.59, 9.46, 1.14, 4.04

The calculation of these hours should be 38 Hrs and 03 Mins. But the
invoice calculates it as 37 Hrs and 23 Mins.

It seems that the calculation is not done properly as time is calculated 1
qty = 60 mins, but it seems like its calculating 1 qty = 100 mins.

Can this be fixed? Is there a setting for this as I did not see anything in
the preferences or properties.


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