Incorrect currency display

Geert Janssens geert.gnucash at
Sat Feb 20 10:31:51 EST 2016

On Saturday 20 February 2016 16:54:34 Santhosh Paul wrote:
> I'm using Gnucash 2.6.6 under Windows 7.
> My problem is that the currency is displayed incorrectly in the
> opening Accounts page when Gunucash loads, even though I've specified
> INR as the currency in Preferences. The currency is now displayed as
> a kind of rectangle with some illegible characters inside it. In
> transaction reports, this rectangle overlaps with the first digits of
> numbers, making the value hard to figure out.
> I'd settle for INR as the displayed currency, but the currency symbol
> would be super. The dollar symbol is displayed perfectly.
> Thanks!
> Santhosh

Hi Santhosh,

It may be your gnucash installation is using a font that's not having the currency symbol you 
want to use.

Depending on which part of gnucash you want to use a different font there are two ways to do 

1. All of gnucash, except for the reports: Gnucash ships with a small tool "Select Theme" which 
can be used to change the font used by gnucash. You should find it in the start menu in the 
same group as gnucash.

2. For reports, you can change font settings via the stylesheets used by the reports. 
Stylesheets can be configured via menu Edit->Style Sheets.

Let us know if this helps.



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