Error opening file: No such file or directory

Ogindo Paul engogindojr at
Wed Jan 13 05:05:25 EST 2016

Hi Geert,
Thanks for the clarification will do that.

On Tue, Jan 12, 2016 at 7:56 PM, Geert Janssens <geert.gnucash at>

> On Tuesday 12 January 2016 17:29:55 Ogindo Paul wrote:
> > Hi,
> > I am using windows 8.1.
> > Yes in gnucash 2.4 I was able to generate a report of the Customers,
> > invoices and even profit and loss accounts. In 2.6.11 I can generate
> > the invoices per customer, but I cant print the invoice out or get a
> > summary on the report window...reports -----> Business --->Customer.
> > I wanted to generate a report based on the data in the backup of
> > Gnucash..i.e. generate report based on the old invoices before the
> > upgrade.
> >
> > How do I obtain the trace file[1]?
> >
> > Regards Paul
> Hi Paul,
> Please make sure to keep the conversations on the mailing list. It is
> considered rude to send mail directly to other users/developers unless
> explicitly told to do so. Additionally, that one person you reply to may
> not have all the answers. You have more chances for a complete answer by
> keeping the conversation on the list.
> You can do so by using the "Reply to all" or "Reply to list" features of
> your mail program.
> As for the trace file, the [1] added to it was a referral to the end of
> the mail message where you could find a link to the documentation on
> obtaining the trace file. I'll repeat it here again:
> Regards,
> Geert
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