Report: Distribution of income amounts, bar chart.

Richard Sailer richard.willi.sailer at
Sat Jun 4 14:59:47 EDT 2016


I'm looking for a specific Report type:
  Report: Distribution of income amounts. in a specific time frame

The Result should be something like:
  - 40 incomming transactions of 30 €
  - 20 incomming transactions of 10 €
  - 3 incomming transactions of 7 €
  - etc.

Bar charts would be nice but are not necesarry.

I couldn't find something like this in the existing report types and
configurations. Am I missing something?

If I will have to create such a report type/template by myself, is it
possible to do this via the python interface? Because I'm way more
fluent in python than in lisp, I only know some elisp atm.

- Richard

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