Issues with Invoicing in 2.6.12 on Win 7-64

Greg Feneis mfeneis at
Tue Jun 7 17:08:01 EDT 2016

​See my reply below...​

Kind regards,

Greg Feneis

On Tue, Jun 7, 2016 at 3:53 AM, Geert Janssens <geert.gnucash at>

> On Sunday 05 June 2016 12:57:20 Greg Feneis wrote:
> > ​It didn't look like this made it to the list, so I'm re-sending.
> > Hope it makes it this time.​
> >
> It did make it to the list. However I didn't have time to answer
> immediately and then forgot about it. I'll try now...
> > On Thu, Jun 2, 2016 at 1:07 PM, Greg Feneis <mfeneis at> wrote:
> > > Hi Folks,
> > >
> > > When I invoice a client, the items I invoice for are almost entirely
> > > for hours that I work and expenses. It's very, very rare that
> > > something is taxable. Is there a way to make the X in the
> > > "Taxable?" column be disappeared by default?
> > >
> I'm not sure what effect the Taxable? column has exactly other than
> enabling/disabling the tax related fields on the line.
> I don't think there's a way to disable it by default. As an alternative
> have you tried to set the default tax table for your customer(s) or the
> global default tax table to "None" ? That may give you the same net effect
> on your invoices. Or perhaps not. In that case please specify in more
> detail what is not working as it should due to this column always being
> enabled.

​GF: When I'm done entering a line, I hit enter and a new line is created
and the cursor is placed in the date field.  By default, the new line
appears with an "X" in the Taxable? field.  I wish that by default, when a
new line is created, the X is not there by default.​

​  I don't know, but I'm assuming that the presence of the X means that the
item is taxable and that will change the invoice somehow.  I haven't
experimented with it, because since I switched from Quickbooks to GnuCash,
I haven't bought anything for resale upon which a tax would be placed.  ​

> > > As I'm entering info on a line when invoicing, I use the tab key to
> > > move from one field to the next. Very convenient. Is it a bug or
> > > a feature that tabbing skips right over the "Taxible?" column's
> > > entry? Allowing the user to tab to the Taxable? column and hit the
> > > space bar to toggle the X would be awesome if there's gonna be no
> > > way to kill the X by default.
> Probably a feature. Again I'm not sure of the meaning of that field, but I
> never saw a reason to change it as I didn't see any visible effect (other
> than a T in the printable report). The original author (Derek ?) may
> explain in more detail.

​GF: The invoice interface lends itself very well to doing *almost*
everything with the keyboard.  E.g. The enter key records the current line,
creates a new line and places the cursor in the new line's date field
(extreme left end of the line).  The + key and - key can be used to
increase or decrease the date in the date field, saving the user from
having to move from the keyboard to the mouse and use the graphic date
entry tool. Tab key lets the user progress to the next field to the right.
When the user begins to type their item description, if GC knows of an item
you've entered previously with a matching description, it will recommend
it.  The user can hit tab key and GC automatically completes the
description field and several other fields based on its memory of the
previous item.  Very handy.  If the user knows the initials to the items in
the Action field, the user can simply type the initial and the item
appears.​ Tab key again to select that item and move on to the next field.
As mentioned previously, the interface works so well for keying in
everything and not having to mess with the mouse, that it's disappointing
when, after keying in the unit price, I hit the tab key and it flies right
over that X in the taxable? field, when I always want to delete the X.

So, combining the above issue with this issue, not only is the X in the
taxable? field by default, but I can't tab to it to eliminate it.  I wish
there was a setting where I could make the X not there by default when a
new invoice line is created.  And, if that's too eccentric, I wish I could
at least tab over to it and toggle it with the space bar, or some similar
method.  This would allow me to complete the entire line by keyboard, hit
enter and start working on the next new line, and never have to mess with
the mouse.  I just think hitting the tab key should allow the user to visit
each alterable field in succession, from left to right and not skip over

> > >
> > > When invoicing, is there a way to adjust the column widths and have
> > > them stay like that from one invoice to the other and from one
> > > session to the next?
> > >
> Unfortunately this was never implemented.
​GF: Whenever I start a new invoice, Some columns are so narrow that the
column header isn't legible.  I imagine this is a safe default arrangement,
because not everyone's screen is wide enough to allow all of the columns to
be expanded enough to view the column headers.  It would be great if when
the column widths were adjusted, GC would remember these settings for all
following invoices.

Now that I've described things more, it looks like I've come up with some
features to request.  May I make an enhancement request?

> Regards,
> Geert

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