External Program

Aaron Laws dartme18 at gmail.com
Fri Jun 10 10:00:14 EDT 2016

On Thu, Jun 9, 2016 at 6:34 PM, Mark Mercer <markm at woodjoint.ca> wrote:

> Thank you both for your replies.
> What I actually did was I went into gnucash and created a record in one of
> the sections and then I opened up SQL workbench and looked through the
> tables.  The record I created actually made entries in three or four tables
> so I studied what each table was for which guid's pointed to where and then
> duplicated the records in the database and assigned new guid's that I made
> up.  I opened gnucash and it did not display the new records that I
> created. Any idea's?  I must be missing something.
> I will use gnucash to enter most records but for these sales receipts I
> think it will be a bit clunky.  I would rather create a robust app on my
> own that can enter the data in a few clicks and selecting stuff from
> dropdows etc.
> If you could help me a little further to get this working it would make
> everything so much simpler for me.
> Thanks again.
I'll be happy to dig into this with you and help you more, but I really
need to know what you've found and what you're doing. Perhaps a minimal
sqlite .gnucash file? I'm not sure how to generate a customer receipt.

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