Feature(s) request - "Find Invoice" results page
tcnw81 at tarrcity.demon.co.uk
Mon Jun 13 18:04:15 EDT 2016
On Sat, 4 Jun 2016 13:19:01 -0700 (PDT), in
gmane.comp.gnome.apps.gnucash.user, trythis <grahamlane at gmail.com> wrote:
> I would like to be able to see some other data in the "Find Invoice" results.
> Perhaps there is a way to add these columns already?
Not easily.
> I would like to be able to see the amount on the invoice that was for and/or
> the notes.
What version are you using? 2.6.12 includes search for invoice notes but I
can't remember offhand if it is new or has been there for a few versions.
> Even the first 10 or 15 letters from the notes would do.
See above, you should be able to search on them
> I often
> have recurring purchases and would like to be able to select the invoice and
> use the duplicate button. The same customer will often buy other things
> that are not recurring.
Why are you starting from the "find an invoice" rather than the "find the
customer" end?
> I would also love to have the invoice results nested in the main gnucash
> page instead of having another window floating about...same with billing.
Don't think that'll happen with the search results soon, I'm pretty sure
the intention was for finding stuff rather than permanent floatiness.
> Thanks for considering my ideas and for the super duper software
> extraordinaire.
I've probably not been as helpful as you hoped, but it is a reply.
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